Corporate Welfare

Galileo S.p.A. has played the starring role at the “Conference on Corporate Welfare: how to invest on employee benefits to create value”, which was held on the 17th February at the Job Centre Italia Paghe in Teverola (Caserta), sponsored by AIDP, the Italian Association for staff directions and Jobgate. The Human Resources Director of Galileo S.p.A. and La Satur s.r.l., Albano Lattanzi, was among the speakers of the day. He delivered a speech called 'Our innovative plan of total reward to improve productivity and sense of belonging', in which he explained how the company faced and solved a critical problem after a fire. In that particular moment, it was necessary for the company to move its stock 50 km away from the warehouse and, consequently, encourage the staff to make longer journeys daily. Thanks to an incentives system, earned through effort, it was possible to increase productivity and the staff’s sense of belonging and decrease absenteeism. During the conference, we have also analysed the Satur ‘Bufalotta’ store case study, the most performing shop of the entire sales network.

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